Thursday, June 24, 2010


Blake had me at "hello"! He is the chunkiest, happiest baby on the planet! Seriously yummy (obviously)! Mr. Wolff was a total rockstar in Blake's eyes. It was so cute that he preferred to play with him. So instead of wrangling my own personal kiddos, they were running a muck so that Mr. Wolff could entertain Blake. Good thing Blake's mom and I have been friends for a long time. The fact that we are friends cancels out anything tacky (like my kiddos running around), right? Hehehe!!! Here are a few images that I thought were adorable. Just wait until you see the rest mom!!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maggie, Miley, and Mommy

Aren't they just the cutest!! These girls were a hoot! I think we served lollipops, pop tarts, Capri Suns, and Pringles while they were here. Did I miss anything from the menu? I hope I didn't spoil their lunch! Olivia keeps asking when they will come back and play with her. Maybe next trip to California. Great to visit with you guys and catch up.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

New Backdrops and Props

Don't you just love it?????? I've got a few more coming in!!!! Keep checking back ;0)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Christensen Family

Aren't they just gorgeous! Mom gets an A+++ for the color palette!!! I love color! Brayden, it definitely was an adventure! Hope you didn't take too many stickers home in your shoes!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Happy Birthday McKenzie and Madison!

These adorable sisters share the same birthday month. Double the tutu's, balloons, cake, and cuteness. Enjoy your preview mom and grandma!